The 5G Solution
Antenna Measurement System (AMS) was created to support the measurement of next generation 5G/6G wireless devices, autonomous vehicles, and high speed digital electronics. The system can support a number of test applications including:
Antenna Directivity and Gain
Advanced Poynting vector and phase analysis.
EM-ISight-AMS advantages:
Configured from 10GHz to 110GHz
Customised to suit the measurement need and size of device to be tested
Standard probes include H and E field options
Advanced Cross-Detection techniques for complex field analysis
Built on Keysight PNA-B platform
S-parameter measurements can be executed along with traditional spectrum analysis.
Applications such as 802.11AD, Automotive Radar (Autonomous Vehicle), Satellite Communications, and High Speed/High Frequency wireless systems can be easily measured.
Over-the-Air analysis of V and W bands now possible using Aprel's EM-ISight
along with RF-ISight analytical toolbox.
Advanced functions include:
E and H field vector distribution
Phase shift between E and H fields
Power density
Radial signal patterns
Spatial orientation of wave propagation
Poynting vector directivity
Beam forming
Standing wave ratio
Backscattering effect
E Field H Field

10 kHz - 110 GHz frequency range
High resolution scan (0.02mm)
Coarse scan function (>10mm)
Dynamic touch detection
4D Measurements using X, Y, Z and PHI movements
Complete distribution presented in 3D or 4D plot
Source direction plots (vector)
Customizable reports automatically exported to MS Word
5 or 6 Axis Articulated Robotic System Options
Integrated Circuit/Printed Circuit Board
Wireless modules
De-Sense testing (receiver circuits)
Medical devices
Automotive and aviation
Electronic device emissions
Pre-Compliance testing
Quality control/audit
Cell phone/computer devices